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Old SA type signal still standing on the TP&W tracks between Forrest and Fairbury, IL

My name is Dan Dawdy and, together with my wife Amy, publish The O Scale Resource Magazine.

I started 3D printing in October of 2021. We published two articles on the subject so far:

Drawing for 3D Models:The Issues and Considerations You Need to Watch Out For by Glenn Guerra and The Wonderful Frustrating, Exasperating, Maddening, Awesome World of SLA 3D Printing by Dan Dawdy.

I wanted some of the older signal boxes for my layout, so going off of manufacturer’s catalogs and drawings, Glenn came up with beautiful files for printing. These were drawn to scale (1/4″) and not reduced from full sized drawings.

After showing these around, a few people wanted to know if I would make them, and so this Website was born. The kit descriptions will tell you the years these will work for, but many of the boxes are still around and some are even in use today. The box shown here is inĀ  Fairbury, IL and you can see the white pipe below that shows it’s been converted to underground cables. The old SA type signal in located between Forrest and Fairbury, IL on HWY 24.

Our resin parts are tough, durable, paintable, and may be machined. All of our products are hand crafted in the United States. Signal box kits are only available in O scale 1/4″.
Whether you are modeling the past or present, our signal boxes and signals will fit right in.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please let us know.