Street Lights Wiring Instructions
Practice says to wire the resistor to the anode of the LED however, in this application it does not matter if it’s wired to the anode or cathode.
Our LEDs have color coded wires. The gold lead is the Anode or positive while the silver is the Cathode or negative lead. The supplied resistor is 560 ohm which will allow for 9 volts to 14 volts safely. If you decide that it too bright, you can substitute a higher value such as 1000 ohm.
Run the wires down through the top of the lamp post and solder on the resistor. Now you can power the LED and decide on the mounting. You can glue the LED to the top of the post or have it stick out a bit so that it will go into the globe.
We like to use Aleene’s Clear Gel Tacky Glue or ZAP Formula 560 Canopy Glue. Of course, ACC will work if you are careful.